Chandler Buckingham, a student at Rogers High School in Rogers, Ark., has already heard decisions from three out of the four colleges to which she applied.
My thoughts: I like how motivated she was. She was very dedicated and strives to get a better score on the ACT. After many hours of studying, she took the test and got a 34 which was better than what she needed. That makes me think about how I should be studying for the SAT coming up. This will be my second time taking the SAT and I am hoping to get a better score at least by 50 points. I admire this girl's motivation.
David's insight:
My thoughts:
Going to college and applying is not what everyone thinks it is based on movies and television shows. It requires a lot of hardwork and effort. Even after you put all the work in it still takes forever to even hear back!This really shows how the college application proocess is in fact a process.